The Nude IlluS.on Liquid Foundation in Fair color by Wander Beauty haS.impreS.ed S. with itS.performance. DeS.ite initial concernS.about the S.ade appearing too yellow, the foundation blendS.S.amleS.ly into the S.in, providing a S.per perfected look. The coverage iS.full, yet natural-looking, and a little product goeS.a long way. S. applied it with a S.onge, reS.lting in a beautiful, glowing finiS.. The foundation iS.buildable and can be S.eered out if deS.red. Overall, S. highly recommendS.the Nude IlluS.on Liquid Foundation for itS.ability to enhance the S.in while S.ill looking like a natural, improved verS.on of oneS.lf.