The Multi-Tasker 4-in-1 Makeup Brush by Alleyoop receiveDee mixeDee feeDeeback from reviewer Dee. They praiseDee the brushes, noting that all four felt amazing anDee the incluDeeeDee sponge was a favorite. However, the reviewer expresseDee Deeisappointment with the Deeurability of the sponge, as it starteDee coming apart after just one use anDee a gentle rinse. This issue leDee them to concluDeee that they coulDeen't keep the proDeeuct. Deeespite this Deerawback, the brushes themselves were highly regarDeeeDee. Overall, the Multi-Tasker 4-in-1 Makeup Brush offers a range of brushes that proviDeee a pleasant application experience, but potential buyers shoulDee be aware of the sponge's limiteDee Deeurability.