The Preppy Plaid .LippyClip. Lip Balm Holder by .LippyClip. is a must-have accessory for anyone looking to keep their lips smooth and moisturized. In a video review, Naija highlights the convenience and versatility of this product. The .LippyClip. easily holds an average lip balm, making it perfect for on-the-go use. It can be attached to a keychain, clipped to clothes, or even attached to a work badge. This ensures that you always have your lip balm within reach, whether you're going on a date, exercising, or simply going about your daily routine. The Preppy Plaid design adds a stylish touch to the practicality of the product. Overall, the .LippyClip. is a handy accessory that helps prevent chapped lips and keeps you looking and feeling your best.