What it is?
Lavender Essential Oil is extracted primarily from the flowers of the lavender plant, usually through steam distillation. The oil is very useful in aromatherapy and many aromatic preparations and combinations. Lavender essential oil’s main benefit is relief from anxiety and better sleep quality.
Key Benefits
- Lavender essential oil has a number of health, wellness, and beauty benefits. It further benefits you through its calming and detoxifying properties for the body and it is also great for home care.
- It can also support healthy blood circulation, aid in digestion, provide relief toward certain skin conditions, and soothe nausea.
- To further promote its abilities to have better sleep at night, place Lavender Oil on the bottom of the feet. The bigger pores on the feet allow for rapid absorption of the oil, helping you relax.
- Another aromatherapy treatment is relief from stress and anxiety. Its calming scent can also be helpful in relieving migraines, headaches, nervous tension, and emotional stress.
- Lavender oil supports an increase in mental activity, leaving you feeling refreshed and calm.
- Lavender essential oil also supports circulation and blood flow throughout the body. This means that the organs receive an oxygen boost, skin becomes bright and glowing with beauty, and the body receives protection from the risks of low blood circulation.
- Lavender oil’s calming properties are great for treating dry skin, acne, wrinkles, and assisting with other symptoms of inflammation. It can also treat nausea by placing a few drops of the oil on the tip of the tongue, behind the ears, or around the navel.