Liz recently reviewed The Ordinary's Argireline Solution 10%, which has been recommended by Dr. Oz to treat fine lines and wrinkles. It has become popular on Tick Tock, with many people referring to it as "Botox in a bottle". Argireline is a peptide, which is a short chain amino acid that helps build collagen, which eliminates fine lines and wrinkles over time. Liz used the solution on their crow's feet, 11s lip lines, and forehead lines. Twice daily use is recommended for optimal results, but immediate results are visible as well. The solution is not tacky and feels like water, and it does not pill with skincare, SPF, or makeup. It works to inhibit muscle movement, which helps prevent wrinkle formation over time and softens existing creases and wrinkles. Liz highly recommends this product as a great preventative measure for those who don't have wrinkles yet but want to prevent them from forming.