Delicious, ready-to-go daily wellness shots – packed with powerful herbs, juices, and plant extracts to help nourish and keep you healthy from the inside out!
A balancing and energizing combo of: Ashwagandha with ancient adaptogenic properties to help the body better adapt to stress, Tart Cherry and Ginger Juice for overall immunity, anti-inflammatory Hibiscus, balancing Cinnamon and anti-bacterial Clove. RELAX and drink to your health!
A cleansing combo of: Dandelion Leaf to support overall detoxification, Beet Juice to help supports the liver’s natural cleansing process, Ginger Juice and Lemon Juice for overall immunity, anti-inflammatory Hibiscus, and a kick of Black Pepper to help increase the body’s absorption of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. DETOX and drink to your health!
An immune-boosting and energizing combo of: Elderberry Juice loaded with polyphenols that support immune defense, zesty Ginger Juice and Lemon Juice for overall immunity, anti-bacterial Cinnamon, anti-inflammatory tangy Hibiscus, and Cayenne Pepper for a little kick, boost, and immune supporting properties. REVIVE and drink to your health!
The power of love to change our bodies is legendary. Throughout history and everyday experience, love has been recognized as a valuable element in healing. Love moves the flesh and pushes matter. When something is made with love it not only tastes better, but it nourishes the soul. It is a secret ingredient filled with the commitment, desire, and care to provide the highest-quality herbal teas to help you achieve life-long health and happiness.