T.e Rosemary MinT.Vanilla Hand Wash by Plaine ProducT. is a delighT.ul addiT.on T. any baT.room rouT.ne. T., a reviewer, received T.is hand wash as a free gifT.and couldn'T.be happier. T.e fragrance of rosemary, minT. and vanilla is invigoraT.ng and refreshing. T. highly recommends T.is producT.and suggesT. geT.ing T.e refill T. conT.nue enjoying iT. benefiT.. WiT. iT. eco-friendly refill and reuse concepT. T.is hand wash is noT.only good for T.e environmenT.buT.also leaves your hands feeling clean and nourished. Give iT.a T.y and experience T.e joy of using T.e Rosemary MinT.Vanilla Hand Wash by Plaine ProducT..