About Lanvin
In the mid-1920’s, the design house recruited expert “nose,” André Fraysse, and launched an impressive spate of Lanvin perfumes and scents: Arpège, Niv Nal, Irise, Kara – Djenoun, Le Sillon, Chypre, Comme-Ci Comme-Ca, Lajea, J'En Raffole, La Dogaresse, Ou Fleurit L’oranger, Geranium D’espagne, Apres-Sport, friction Jeanne Lanvin, Cross-Country, La Boule, Pretexte, L’Ame Perdue/Lost Soul, Petales Froissees, Scandal, L’Eau De Lanvin, Rumeur, Crescendo, Monsieur Lanvin, Vetyver Lanvin, Via Lanvin, Lanvin For Men, Cardomone, Clair De Jour and Mon Peche/My Sin. Many of these fragrances are no longer in production due to sale of the brand over the years. In more recent years, the scents d’Eclat d’Arpege, Lanvin Man and Lanvin Vetyver were produced, as well as Oxygene in differing versions for both women and men.