How do you feel about champagne cocktails? It’s Valentine’s Day so a drink with a little bubbly is called for! The Kir Royale is a classic French cocktail that combines champagne with the blackcurrant liqueur, crème de cassis. It’s actually a riff on another classic cocktail, the Kir, which calls for white wine instead of champagne. The flavor of the liqueur mixes perfectly with the champagne and gives it a nice dark red/purple color. It’s great for date night, brunch, or any other occasion that goes well with champagne! So get the bubbly ready for Valentine’s Day and don’t forget the crème de cassis!🍾🥂❤️ Kir Royale🍾 3/4oz Crème de Cassis 4-5oz Champagne (or Sparkling Wine) Add crème de cassis to your cooked champagne flute. Then pour champagne into your glass. Garnish with a blackberry and lemon twist. Enjoy!!