How beautiful and simple. It’s free and it’s easy to go outside or to a park, or simply open your home windows. You knew that the sounds of birds could be so calming. A study published by Scientific Reports found that birdsongs “significantly” reduced anxiety and paranoia in healthy participants. Another study by a team of researchers from Germany found similar findings and is reported in NDTV. It was also found that bird songs may restore attention and alleviate stress! (Environmental psychology at the University of Surry). Wow wow and wow!! Let me know if you are trying this! ✋ #stressfree #alleviateanxiety #alleviateanxietynaturally #soundsandfrequencies #birdfrequency #birdsong #birdsongs #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthsupport #freeandeasy #holisticwellnesscoach