Ever heard of “scarfing your food”? Swallowing Your food without properly chewing can cause digestive problems. There is a story of Horace Fletcher from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. (Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9693596/) Fletcher claimed that chewing his food healed him of Addison’s disease which is a digestive problem. (Source: The Maker’s Diet by Jordan Rubin) He recommended to chew your food 35-50 times before you swallow and it should pretty much be liquid by the time it enters the stomach. Jordan Rubin however recommends chewing 25-50 times as needed especially when foods are high in carbs. WHY? Chewing activates saliva which contains an enzyme which breaks down carbohydrates. Chewing also actives the thymus gland to produce T cells just incase the food contains toxins. Wow!! Chew Yo Food! 🍴🤤 Let me know in the comments if you’ll practice chewing more! #foodie #illvetoeat #digestiveproblems #digestivesupport #digestion #healthyliving #eatwell