mycoachvega What the medical field won't tell you... Did you know that the blood sugar-lowering effects of a strength workout can last up to 24 hours? That's right-while you're going about your day, your muscles keep working, pulling glucose from your bloodstream and boosting your metabolism. And for women dealing with weight gain, anyone sluggish for energy, or hormone swings, this is the sustainable boost you've been looking for. Imagine a workout that keeps working for you, even while you sleep. This isn't about quick fixes. It's about building a body that supports you daily in reaching your goals. Ready to break the cycle? Drop a hear this! below and share this with a friend who needs to #StrengthTraining #WomenOver40 #MidlifeFitness #BloodSugarBalance #SustainableResults #FatLoss@sommercrystal