Flips New notification Dings you whenever some posts a clip or follows you 🛎️!!! This is so helpful to me, especially for the new followers notifications!! I’m making my way through all of my new followers & comments now 🤗💚🥳!! If I don’t already follow you and you want me to follow you on flip, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT, and I’ll follow ASAP, I’m working my way through the bots and fake accounts 🤣💚😊!!! #newfollowersonflip #newflippers #newbie #newtoflip #newestflippers #flipfam #flipfriends #flipnotifications #notificationsonflip #flipnewfeature #flip #fliptricks #fliptips #flipsnewfeature #newfeatureonflip #flipnewyear #ig #tt #fliptip #flippingliving #happynewyears #newyear2025 #flipnewyear #flipnewyears @justaboymom@sbaskota@alwaystheo@thebetterbuy@sunita_chaudhary28@mommad67@margie_craver70@kerv_swerv