Big shoulder and arm workout! I incorporated a couple new workouts into my shoulder routine, and I am truly impressed! Don't be afraid to switch up a couple workouts. Sometimes it is needed so your muscles don't get used to the same range of motions. It's a couple supersets in the workout that's going to have you feel the burn, but push through and the end results will be definitely worth it! GET UP AND GRIND -Overhead Shoulder Press 5x15, 12,10,8,8 -Reverse Grip Overhead Press 4x15 -Barbell Front Shoulder Raise 4x15 -Reverse Grip Shoulder Press 4x15* (lightweight) -Shoulder Press 4x15* (lightweight) -Bicep Curls 4x20 (10 each hand) -Shoulder "Wing" 4x20 (lightweight) -Hammer Curls 4x20 (10each hand) -Reverse Grip Tricep Pulldown 4x15, 12, 10,8* -Rope Extensions 4x15, 12, 10,8* -New Shoulder workout 4x15 (lightweight) -Shoulder Shrugs 5x15 -Front Grip Curls 4x15, 12, 10,8 *Superset