450 calories 48g protein 14g fat 47g carbs makes 8 breakfast burritos Ingredients list 2 lbs 96/4 ground beef 8 pasteurized eggs 8 slices of beef bacon 8 slices of American cheese 40 cal a slice 8 servings, fat-free mozzarella cheese 8 servings organic, honey Cook your beef, eggs, and bacon to your liking and make these burritos for an easy high protein breakfast you could put these in the freezer. They reheat after 3 min fridge time is 2 minutes Don't forget to follow me for more high-protein meal preps I'll be posting all your don't miss out on the gains cookbooks Meal plans Peptides Check my page #mealprep #breakfastburrito #mealprep #healthyrecipes #mealprepideas #protein #highprotein #bacon