550 calories 59g protein 12g fat 58g carbs makes 14 servings! 4lbs chicken breast 24x2 ounce jar Prego Italian sauce 22x2 ounce jar Prego Alfredo sauce Heavy seasonings of (Onion powered, pepper, organic smoked peprika) Mix crock pot high 4 hours Then shred chicken Boil 2 box’s protein Barilla pasta Pour into crock pot 11 servings broccoli cooked I used a frozen bag in the mocrowave into the crock pot 2 bag fat free cheese into the crock pot then mix disperse evenly into 14 meal prep containers and enjoy the week Yes, you can freeze preheat time is 3 to 4 minutes If you choose to keep them in the fridge, reheat time is 1 minute 30 seconds meal plans and Amazon list in my bio #cooking #CookingHacks #cookingtiktok #protein #mealprepideas #mealprep #pasta less