Installations will vary according to the location in the home where the unit is installed and which model Damper is used. Use the following illustrations (in the installation sheet) and notes as guidance for your own installation. Always comply with local code requirements and in any instance where a detail shown below conflicts with local code, the local code provision shall apply.
Maintenance: Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure the proper operation of the Damper system. Failure to conduct such routine maintenance can jeopardize the ability of the Damper to introduce fresh air into the home.
Care Instruction: Regular maintenance should include the following activities:
- Clean the outside bird screen to ensure it is free from debris and open to allow fresh air to enter.
- Clean or replace the interior filter(s) which serve to filter fresh air before it enters the home.
- Maintain a clear opening at the outdoor end cap, which means preventing the buildup of snow, leaves, or vegetation at the end cap.
- During regular HVAC maintenance, have the mechanical contractor inspect the Damper system for proper operation.