The Aura Inner Beauty Marine Collagen Elixir in Wildberry Hibiscus flavor is a must-try product, according to Rachel's video review. Rachel is already obsessed with the brand and was super excited to try this collagen elixir. She highlights that marine collagen is the best for medicinal purposes due to its smaller particles that absorb better. With 4.5 grams of collagen, this elixir is a great source. Additionally, it contains protein and vitamin C. Rachel recommends taking two teaspoons, but she personally prefers one teaspoon in her cup of water. She mentions that the elixir is thick but tastes great when mixed. Rachel enjoys the taste so much that she drinks it twice a day, which helps her stay hydrated. Overall, the Aura Inner Beauty Marine Collagen Elixir in Wildberry Hibiscus is a win-win product that not only provides the benefits of collagen but also enhances the taste of water.