What it is?
Built for gym. Ready for outdoors. Our exercise equipment is so handy and simple: fix an exercise band from our set onto any doorway and get at it.
Key Benefits
- GET SERIOUSLY STRONGER. Just like our pull-up resistance bands set made of Durubbex: A Super-durable natural latex without allergens or the stench of rubber, it’s made best for resistance exercise
- DO PULL-UPS WITHOUT CHEATING. Pull Up Bands help you do pull-ups correctly: make the fitness resistance bands into a loop and get into it.
- WORK OUT ANYWHERE WITH A DOOR ANCHOR. Our exercise equipment is so handy and simple: fix an exercise band from our set onto any doorway and get at it.
- RELY ON THESE TWO-LAYERED BANDS. For working out sessions that’ll make you strong and ripped, your workout band (set of four, actually) must be extra strengthened.
- SCULPT YOUR BODY WITH THESE EXERCISE BANDS: resistance training makes you more challenging. Check out our free eBook exercise guide;