*how do you practice self-love?! ✨ #higherDOSEpartner - the sauna blanket and red light face mask always make an appearance in my self-love routine 👇 ✨ shop these higherDOSE favs and more via my story highlight “higherDOSE” or the link in my bio (there’s an exclusive discount code in my story highlight!) #selflove #selfcareroutine #higherdosedetox @higherdose #TheBanannieDiaries #TheBanannieDiariesByAnnie #saunablanket #selflovejourney #tipsforselflove #selflovetips #loveyourselffirst #loveyourselftoday #showyourlove #beyourownkindofbeautiful #redlighttherapybenefits #skincareroutine #sweatit *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat cure, or prevent any disease.