Bringing 1888 to 2020... CUSTOM KITCHEN!!! This was my favorite room in the entire house. Actually there wasn't a room in the house that I didn't absolutely love, but the kitchen my the heartbeat of our home and the Mister made it perfectly fit for me! This looks super expensive, but we did everything within a very tight budget and as we could. The final products always look amazing, but the 6 years to get there were messy 😉 This previous dining room was turned into the most beautiful and functional kitchen I've ever lived in. From the concrete countertops and sink to the butcherblock island, the custom pot and pan drawers to the refrigerator cove, this kitchen was a dream! #stayathomemomgoody #goodlandbuildingllc #detailedrestoration #1888to2020 #makingallthingsnew #diy #kitchenremodel #customdesigns