LIFELONG BREAD SUPPLY🍞✨ You can do it!! Sourdough can last a very long time in the fridge. I’ve seen people take it out after a year and have it come back to life in a few days. 🤩 Sourdough is a beautiful thing and I’m so glad to be here to help you on your journey! Even if you aren’t making sourdough i hope you still find my video inspiring or helpful in some way🩷🩷 be yourself and keep having fun!! Happy Flipping💚💚🤗🤗 #Sourdough #MaintainingSourdough #SourdoughStarter #FridgeStarter #HowTo #Advice #HomemadeBread #SourdoughJunkie #FoundingFlipCreator #ItsFlip #MyGPCommunity #MyGPai #MyGPAuthenticInfluencer