IMPERFECTIONS😅🌹🤩 Soo do you guys think it looks like a rose too?? I actually over folded this bread loaf.. LOL i so wish i wouldn’t have because the inside probably would’ve looked so much better. However it still was delicious!! 😋 This is why you never give up, always keep trying and trust the process!! You can do this ! Things don’t always look promising from the outside 😅❤️🍞🍞 Oh the arts of Sourdough LOL 😂 be positive, be yourself!! Keep having fun!!❤️❤️ #Sourdough #Bread #SourdoughLoaf #Homemade #HomemadeBread #FoundingFlipCreator #ItsFlip#MyGPCommunity #MyGPai #MyGPAuthenticInfluencer #BePositive #BeYourself