THE TRUTH👀🙈 A lot of you have been asking me this question so I came here to clear some things up! Watch all the way through , I show screenshots😊 I started my true “content creation” journey here on Flip. I want to grow as “sourdoughjunkie”! I want to help people learn how to make sourdough! I also just want to post what I enjoy doing! I have been loving it so far💚✨🍞 ⭐️🥳 Remember, Be yourself, Be patient, and Have Fun!!! Affirmation: I don’t chase I attract, whatever belongs to me will simply find me✨🩷 #FoundingFlipCreator #ItsFlip#MyGPCommunity #MyGPai #MyGPAuthenticInfluencer #Truth #TheTruth #BePositive #BeYourself