Giveaway Update👀🤗 I want to give away this ring to one of you so badly! If you haven’t yet, please go watch the video before this one so you can enter!! I have it pinned as the top comment below❤️ As soon as I get home from work today, I’m gonna start my stretch and fold for my loaf tomorrow afternoon! I’ve been working a ton recently so I’m so excited to finally be able to bake a sourdough loaf tomorrow afternoon🤗🍞 I love you guys!! Stay positive have fun and have a great weekend!! 🤗❤️❤️ #Giveaway #Jewelry #GiveBack #FoundingFlipCreator #ItsFlip#MyGPCommunity #MyGPai #MyGPAuthenticInfluencer #GoldRing #BePositive #BeYourself