30, FLIRTY, & THRIVING! Here’s some tips to tackle Times Square: ✨Research best routes in advance & save them. ✨Bring a pair of comfortable shoes to switch into. ✨Go with the flow or get out of the flow of foot traffic. ✨Save up 💰, so that when you buy souvenirs and merchandise you won’t be panicking. ✨Go check out Carlo’s for breakfast/brunch & Junior’s for dinner. Note: the combo in Carlo’s has tiny espresso shots. Buy your coffee separate or at Starbucks next door. ✨Prioritize the stores and venues you want to go to. ✨Schedule in time to see landmarks. ✨Get to concert venues hours before it starts. ✨Take videos & photos to scrapbook later, but stay in the moment. ✨HAVE FUN!