This is a necessity for my day to go smoothly. If I miss this in the morning, I feel like my whole day turns to crap. 😅So I encourage my fellow believers on here to take the time to commune with Him as you start your day. You will not regret it! If you're not a believer, I just want to let you know that Jesus loves you and is waiting for you with open arms. I am here for you if you need prayer. God bless you all! ✨I do not own the rights to this song. ✨ #fliponfire #flip #flipmoms #jesusfollowers #jesuslovesyou #jesusislord #christianmoms #christianmamas #ilovejesus #jesusfreak #flipcommunity #flipchristians #christianflippers #spendtimewithGod #christians #believers #dontwastetime #readtheWord #prayerchangesthings #worshippers #worshipislife #jesusiseverything