How to maximize your discounts and your next order! 💵 Before your next order, make sure you do the math first. Divide your up to $ amount first by the % amount, then that gives you the dollar amount you want to spend in order to take full advantage of your discounts/watch rewards. Also, make sure you cash out your creator earnings first if you plan on using it for your order, further reducing the $ amount you end up paying. Lastly, don't forget to add your on the house items! Let me know if you have any questions. I'd be more than happy to help! #Newbies #MaximizeDiscounts #FlipTips #FlipOnFire #FlipTip #NewToFlip #FlipNewbies #MaximizeYourDiscounts #Flip #HowTo #ContentCreator #FlipTutorial #FlipHowTo #MaximizeOrder #FlipHack #FlipHacks #FlipDiscounts #SaveMoreWithFlip #OrderSmart #FlipSavings #FlipDeals #MaximizeSavings #FlipShoppingTips #SmartShopping #FlipShopping #SaveBigWithFlip #OrderMaximized #FlipTutorial #Clips