If you could go back and tell future you one thing, what would it be? I think that being “social media famous” taught me additional lessons about empathy, compassion and forgiveness— especially for one’s self. When you get to know people outside of their public persona, you see that fundamentally, we truly are mostly the same. We all deal with the same issues on some level. Kindness goes a long way— especially kindness to YOU. Don’t give your joy to others before you first extend it to yourself. Love, your favorite #nurse and #livestreamer who teaches you how to #monetize social media for ✨FREE ✨ #flipnewbie #flipnewbies #flip #contentcreator #livestreamer #nurse #millenial #wife #mom #hypegirl #content #fliptips #fliptricks #fliphacks #follow #followme #beauty #kitchen #flippie #flippies