This is not okay, Cristina, and I respectfully ask you to delete this video before I have to unfollow. I will be unfollowing everyone who isn’t condemning that behavior & is instead celebrating it in her comments! This all started over a post of mine & no one made fun of you first. You told them you “love crushing small creators” and to “enjoy learning about messing with you and AFF.” As a MASSIVE TikTok live creator, I will NEVER tell people to go somewhere this isn’t SWIFTLY CONDEMNED. Please do better, y’all! PLEASE, @flip 🙏🏼 Love, your favorite #nurse and #livestreamer who teaches you how to #monetize social media for ✨FREE ✨ #flipnewbie #flipnewbies #flip #contentcreator #livestreamer #nurse #millenial #wife #mom #hypegirl #content #fliptips #fliptricks #fliphacks #follow #followme #beauty #kitchen #flippie #flippies