your dog ate bird poop? oh nooo. We've walked along the Bitterroot River roughly 2,000 times over the last 5 years, with 0 incidents & 0 close calls. The odds that Gidge would try this were a rare 0.05%. I'm still in shock that this happened. Heck, you're 60x more likely to become a millionaire. Learn from my mistakes! Even the best of dogs can run onto ice for apparently no reason. A solid recall doesn't help if you're too distracted to notice them run onto the ice. If you trip and hurt yourself, or someone else needs your help, secure your dog before tending to that injury. I learned that I'm not keen to recreate a me-shaped hole in ice, and I'm committed to being a more vigilant dog owner. 1 in 3 humans who fall through the ice don't make it out. We were extremely lucky.