Tomato Pie Recipe Pie Pie crust shell Sliced fresh tomatoes Onion optional Celtic sea salt Fresh ground black pepper Fresh thyme or dried herbs of you choice Pirate s Bite seasoning blend optional Garlic powder or fresh garlic to taste Cornstarch to absorb extra juice 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese or more if you want extra cheesy Cheese mixture 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese separate from cheese a b o v e -so 2 cups total 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 1 cup mayonnaise I used homemade Slice tomatoes and place on paper towel to blot extra juice. Prepare pie crust and p r e -bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Season tomatoes and layer with cheese mixture shredded cheese sprinkles of corn starch and seasonings. Top with cheese. Bake 350 till done.