ORDER PLACED! 🤩😍 I am SO grateful. You guys don’t know how much this means to us right now. It seems like small potatoes to so many, but to us this is huge. 💜 Saying I’m grateful feels too small… love to each of you who has watched and commented on my videos, you are so appreciated!! 🫶🏻 #flip #flipearnings #flipcash #orderplaced #triquetra #bouy #genetics #genemutations #genetictesting #mthfr #flipster #flippies #flippers #contentcreator #creatorearnings #watchrewards #wellness #health #bvitamins #5mthf #b12 #b9 #vitaminb12 #methylation #detox #epigenetics #maca #biotin #hydration #pots #nuerodivergent #adhd #autism #brainfog #focus #midlinedisorders #dyslexia #dysautonomia #flipmoms #sahm #wfhm #flipfam @elgielow@alexandergielow@jonnygielow