I became such a task master when I worked my corporate job and now that I quit my job I feel like if I’m not moving nonstop then I’m not productive at all! That is a LIE from an old programming. I am healing myself daily by working through things that I’ve stuffed deep down inside of me since I was a little girl. I am letting go of other people’s beliefs and systems and embracing who I really am. I am integrating and letting go of the things that no longer serve me. This work is more challenging than anything on my task list and more rewarding too! How much value do you put on your healing journey because it’s fucking priceless♥️ #gold #worth #healing #self #love #integrate #inner #child #wounds #shadow #work #vibes #raise #frequency #signal #universe #quantum #jump #timelines #you #are #limitless #embrace #your #divine #power