As parents we often wonder/think about & worry about if the work we are putting into our children will pan out. We also desire to see the fruits of our labor. We have to continue to surround them with the tools they will need to survive, as well as with good role models that will pour positivity into them so they can save themselves whilst enjoining good & forbidding evil, so that they too desire to establish an ongoing charity/legacy of good works for their benefit & that of their progeny, as well as that of all of mankind for this life and the next آن شاءالله ، Lord-willing. Here is one of our youth (Nyara Tamenga) who spoke out against the killing of Patrick Lyoya. #youngactivist #patricklyoya #nyaratamenga #fromthemouthsofbabes #grandrapids #michigan #justice #blm #rhadiyahsrealtalk #rhadiyahhutchen