It is important that both brothers & sisters understand their roles, rights (your ee nafakah) & responsibilities, as this is unacceptable in Islam !! Such a discussion (find out what his understanding is AND asking him to prove he can afford to marry a sister) should take place with the #wali #walee before he lets the sister whom he is charge of know anything about the brotherโผ๏ธ Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over women and tasked with supporting them financially. Surely Allah is Most High, All-Great. Surahtul (Chapter) An-Nisaa (the Women): ayat (verse) 34 By removing this right you then could be guilty of emasculating your husband. #thehighlyvaluedpioushusband #thehighlyvaluedpiouswife #thehighlyvaluedpiouscouple #muslimsseekingmarriage #islamiccouplegoals #beforethenikah #clubhouseconversations #niqabiqueenofclubhouse #rhadiyahsrealtalk #rhadiyahhutchen