FLIP PUT RESPECT 🫡 ON MY NAME! 💚🔥 If you go down my videos and can follow the frustrations I had with the journey to trying to get verified. Honey remember the devil is a liar 🤥 you know the rules and you know what you gotta do. DO IT REGARDLESS then after 30 days if they not giving you the respect you deserve you revaluate. But I honestly love flip I’m addicted 😩😂💚🔥🙌🏾✨ and I want this app to win. So I’m glad they did me right. I’m actually scared to post this video . Hoping it doesn’t got back to one ☝🏾 But if it does I know I gotta post at least 5 more days in a row to know for sure I got that ish! Let’s get it FLIPSTERS 💚💚💚💚🙌🏾✨ Road to Platinum 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 #verifiedbadge #flipverified #creatorsprogram #flipstar