Thank You Mom For Instilling A God-Centered Life In Me! You laid such a Beautiful Foundation for me to Build Upon my whole Life! The Respect For God you always displayed and The Respect For God you instilled in me, have allowed me thrive my Life with a Very High Regard for People, Places, Institutions and The Blessing of just being alive to participate in God’s Universe! You have Given me more than I may be able to convey to you the extent of! You taught me to be a Servant-Leader And I thank you for that! You always made me feel that there was NOTHING positive that I could not do, with God’s Backing and Strength! You gave me a Posture of “All Things Are Possible Through Christ, Who Strengtheneth Me! I PRAY GOD/ALLAH BLESSES YOU EXCEEDINGLY! Thank God, Allah, for You, and I LOVE YOU!💕❤️😘 @jojo_luis27@mygreenerpasture@slipstitchsimmons@rhythmandcoils@godzchild@grateful_heart@shuntel_holmes@sandisweetn@angelamorris162@hannah_hannah64