"I never thought I’d feel peace like this… but here I am." I used to wake up every day drowning in anxiety, if I could stay asleep, until everything changed. I let Anxiety and depression steel years of my life. I over thought everything caught, and I constant loop of uncertainty, worry, doubt, But not anymore. Jesus, changed all of that! When I finally let him into my heart completely and stop trying to live my life the way I wanted to, and started living my life the way God wanted me too. Everything changed because he changed it. God has a plan and a purpose for you. Comment Amen🙌 if you’re with me because when you know, you know. #Encouragement #Motivation. #JesusIsLove. #Godsplan #MyPurpose. #AnxietyAndDepression. #Anxiety. #Overthinking #Overthinker #Depression #FeelLikeI’mDrowning #worry #SelfDoubt #OvercomeAnything