I’ve been wanting to buzz my hair off for so long and it s finally time so my fave sisters Trulee and Skyla Rodney flew in from Canada to help me I wanted to see what a mohawk looked like before getting rid of it completely and I fell in love I m so happy with the result I ve been rocking this mohawk all around the city having so much fun with it!! #hair #hairtutorial #buzzcut #buzzingmyhead #mohawk #bigchop #mohawktutorial #trulee #skyla #hairdye #buzzcuttutorial #buzzcutdyedhair #howtobuzzyourhead #crazyhair #dyedhair #curlyhair #curlytutorial #camillejohnson #buzzcutforgirls #buzzcutblackwomen #curlybuzzcut #buzzcutgirl #buzzcutcurlyhair #curlymohawk #hairtransformation #buzzcuthairdye #bigchopcurlyhair #curlyhairtutorial #hairroutine