Ingredients: 1 sweet potato 1/3 cup melted butter 1 cup flour 1 tsp baking powder -Steam sweet potato for 15 min -Add to bowl with butter and mix -Add flour and baking powder slowly starting with 1/2 cup mix then the other 1/2 cup slowly and work the dough a little bit (put flour on your hands so dough doesn't stick as much, but it should be sticky) -Scoop biscuits onto baking tray with parchment paper -Bake on 375 F for 10-12 min until cooked through You can serve with cinnamon butter too! #baking #babyledweaning #babyfood #homemadebabyfood #babyfoodrecipes #firsttimemom #babywedleaningrecipes #healthyhabits #cookingfromscratch #recipes #simplerecipes #easyrecipes #motherhood #toddlermeals #snacks