Prior to watching, we discussed Native Americans and why people came here from England and how they treated the Native Americans. We talked about how this is stolen land. We talked about the deportations happening in this country. We talked about ICE. We talked about earth and how we need to respect it. We talked about humans and how they have a right to live on earth without being called illegal. The conversations we didn’t have as kids growing up. I’m determined to raise good humans who are socially conscious and demand human rights for others. I recognize there are other issues with Pocahontas such as her age and the true story. We will discuss that another day, but today’s lesson is about the history of this stolen land and advocating for those impacted by mass deportation. #weliveonstolenland #nooneisillegalonstolenland #massdeportation #fdt #raisinggoodhumans #sociallyconscious #pocahontas #nativeamericans #teachthemyoung #humansarenotillegal