Friend, we made it! …But wait, Flip only pays for VIEWS for 30 days?! 👀 Let’s break it down! 💰 Flip pays in two ways: 1️⃣ Engagement (Views & Watch Time)– You get paid only for the first 30 days, and it’s based on how many people watch at least 3 seconds of your video. So if you haven’t watched my Flip Save or Flip Flop video yet, now’s the time to run it up! ⏳ 2️⃣ Product Sales (Tagged Items)– If someone buys a product you tagged in a Flip or Clip, you can get paid for up to 12 months after posting! Engagement pays fast, but sales have long-term potential! 🎯 Watch the video, drop a comment, then tell me, are you playing the short game, the long game, or BOTH? Let’s strategize! ⬇️🔥 #welcometoflip #flipfoundingcreator #flipforbeginners #fliptip #engagementtip #salestip #contentcreator #ContentStrategy #flipclip@miline_13