✨ Free Dental Assistance for Special Needs Kids! ✨ If your child has special needs and requires dental care, Grottoes International Humanitarian Foundation offers the “Special Smiles” program to help cover dental treatment and anesthesia costs in a hospital or dental office. This nonprofit provides much-needed dental care for children who may struggle to receive it elsewhere. While hospital costs aren’t covered, they assist with dental expenses. To learn more and see if your child qualifies, visit: https://hfgrotto.org/programs/ Please share with families who could benefit! 💙🦷 #SpecialSmiles #GrottoesFoundation #DentalCareForAll #SpecialNeedsSupport #AutismParent #SensoryProcessing #SpecialNeedsMom #AutismAwareness #InclusiveCare #FreeDentalCare #DisabilitySupport #NeurodiverseKids #FlipForAll #FlipEducation #SpecialNeedsCommunity #FlipClassroom #AdvocacyMatters#Dentalcareforspecialneeds