I knew Crocs had Crocs l but I did not know crocs had cute sandals too! I have had big and wide feet my entire life and am always on the hunt for cute strappy shoes that also don t make my foot look like it’s overflowing in the shoe! 😭 If you have plans to visit the beach or pool this Spring and Summer consider these ca-ute Crocs sandals! No they don’t slip, they grip! No they don’t rub, they hug! Yes they are true to size (maybe even just a tiny bit bigger, but not enough to size down!) and yes they are a naturally wide shoe!! Totally perfect sandal by Crocs #mofomom #crocs #shoes #footwear #shoe #cuteshoes #crocssandals #sandals #poolshoes #summershoes #rubbershoes #flipflops #widewidthshoe Crocs collection, shoes that fit wide feet, wide width shoes, shoes for the summer, cute shoes for the summer, pool shoes