Did you know @thewhitelotus star Walton Goggins was bit by an actual snake whilst filimg? 🐍 Walton admitted that he is “terrified” of snakes, “I don’t just have a phobia, it’s like a missing link when it comes to snakes … there’s something, like, genetically wrong with me when it comes to snakes." And whilst he was on set, the snake handlers identified which snakes by colour were poisonous and told him not to touch them... :eyes: But as he pulled one of the snakes out, it bit him in defence and he went to hospital to get check out. 🏥 📲 Follow for popular entertainment content and more. #thewhitelotus #waltongoggins #snakes #snakebite #filming #hospital #fyp #hbo #hawaiian #aimeelouwood #rickhatchett