🚨 LONG VIDEO ALERT ‼️ WHAT MOTIVATES YOU TO SHOW UP EVERYDAY! If you watch this through to the end I’ll know you really rock with me 😂 I know we live in an age of short attention spans, but I hope me sharing “my why” may reach the individuals who are meant to hear it! After years of self-loathing, I am finally on a journey of healing and restoration. I’m getting better and better every day and God is the source of my strength, my happiness, my peace, my growth and so much more!! #longpost #mymotivation #mywhy #showupforyourself #yougotthis #inspiring #encouragement #Godsplan #healing #restoration #deliverance #identity #insecurities #identitycrisis #reflection #growth #mindset #shift #adjust #persist #inspire #motivate #trust #KingofKings #LordofLords #theGreatIAm #Emmanuel #Elohim #Yahweh #healer #waymaker #promisekeeper #deliverer #redeemer