Travel with me The Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge located in Iowa is dedicated to restoring the tallgrass prairie ecosystem which once covered much of the state It spans over 6 000 acres and provides a habitat for native plants and wildlife including bison and elk The refuge offers educational programs hiking trails and a visitor center to help the public learn about conservation efforts and the importance of prairie restoration. El Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Neal Smith ubicado en Iowa esta dedicado a la restauracion del ecosistema de pradera de pastos altos que una vez cubrio gran parte del estado. Se extiende por mas de 6000 acres y proporciona un habitat para plantas y animales nativos incluidos bisontes y alces. El refugio ofrece programas educativos senderos para caminatas y un centro de visitantes. #flip #travel #espanol #newflipper #life #live #familia #family