Vulnerable post. 2xs the speed. Off the noggin. Sorry for constantly sniffling. This is truly why the block button needs to be fully functional, and this is why hateful words are not just hateful words. This is why they are lemon on so many people’s deep wounds & even worse. I miss my parent. Trans people face much death at much younger ages statistically. Fact. Look it up. Don’t contribute to it, please. And if you are … and you can’t help but spew hatred, please note that some of us cannot stand it & will look away bc we know people who have been hurt. I miss you, Dad. You did good, girl. … She was incredible, yall. She really was special😪 #flip #family #love #kindness #grief #parents #transrights #block #onlinesafety #action #bekind #flippers #flipfam #flipfamily #mourning #equality #why #reality #flips #community #flipcommunity