Hey guys so Super Bowl 2025 is about to begin we got the Philadelphia Eagles which is my team and we got Kansas City Chiefs which is my best friend that I grew up with team Jesse Roberts so guys I know t h e r e 's a lot of fans of both teams I heard t h e r e 's a lot more fans of the Philadelphia Eagles now that d o e s n 't mean anything made the best team win be easy on me in the comments as my team loses and I 'll be easy and I can admit when I loser And made the best team win They both worked really hard to get there and l e t 's pray for these people they are showing pictures of OK everybody put God first in your life and watch your life change@ellie_rose@kora_fields@troy_becker78@melissagilian@mchurchwell@churchwellbrent2@james_sully05@hally_churchwell6@brittany001@lillian44